Broken Record… Bus-to-Bus Routing

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    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    @RS – my recent comments were really about 1) the rabbit hole of the Dyn8 added latency and 2) alternatives to using parallel buss processing if “parallel compression” is the primary goal of that setup. They were not intended to advocate for or against buss to buss routing.

    Profile photo of JacobJacob

    @Brian You said, “It is very simple to assign a custom encoder knob to the dry/wet ratio of a compressor and use a single group with a compressor utilizing the dry/wet mix ratio.”

    This is apparently beyond my skill to figure out 🙂 Where would you set this up on a dLive system? I Ctrl+F’d through the latest firmware reference guide and didn’t see any mention of it. I also looked in the Surface Prefs tab of the Surface screen and the Soft Rotary options, but no sign of a Wet/Dry balance control. Granted, I am looking at Director modeling a CDM64 and C3500, since I don’t have either with me at the moment.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    @Jacob – Page 87 of the current firmware reference guide (the “Surface Setup, Control/Surface Preferences” section) covers this BUT admittedly when I reviewed the reference guide myself for this post, I realize it might not be possible to assign this functionality to an encoder. I would have sworn I’ve done this before, but perhaps it was only a compressor’s threshold setting that I assigned and not the parallel path ratios. I apologize if my memory was flawed and this functionality is not currently possible.

    If it’s not possible, then I think we should all submit this request to A&H as it seems like an important setting to be able to assign to a custom encoder on a surface.

    I’ll be back in front of the DLive and can test it out myself Wednesday to be 100% sure.

    Profile photo of JacobJacob

    @Brian, this brings up an interesting question. What would that feature look like? Right now there are two parameters: wet and dry. Since a single knob would be controlling both, it would have to report a single value of some sort back, right? Like a percentage, with 100% being just the wet signal and 0% being totally dry. This is the way the X32/M32 handle it. I wonder if they could do that without a complete rewrite of the parallel path component of the compressor.

    This might sound silly, but I would accept being able to assign the wet and dry levels to faders. That’s similar to having two parallel groups for drums anyway. They’re not totally equal though. You might want some soft compression on your main drum group while really slamming the “crushed” group. There’s also all the other processing that comes with two discrete groups, like EQ and whatever you want to throw on Insert A.

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    Isn’t the matrix there for bus mixing? What are you trying to achieve?
    As for DYN8 – 4 samples is the least problem if you are having parallel path.

    Profile photo of FramptoneFramptone

    You can’t route a maxtrix to the LR though as far as I can tell. Need to use the external in on a Channel to do that. I use this for Drum bus, but in a small room, standing close to the stage I can hear audible latency. In a larger room at FOH with an audience, not so much.

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    Why not using Matrix as LR? Sure, if you will use grp out as input for the channel you’ll get another 0.7ms (which is less than 1m anyway).

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