I use cubase 10 btw. For using it to control the DAW the feature isnt fully integrated but u can still use it, just the names of channels wont pop up on the LCD’s on the avantis. I’m terms of use it took me a couple hours of messing around to get used to it. Its very easy to use once u understand the board. I’ve previously worked on other high end boards and it alwys felt that the placement of settings on them was off. It took awhile to get used to them on those boards. On the avantis all the settings are easy to understand and placed right. It’s almost as if they used common sense to map out the mixer. You can orient the board in any way you want. All the channels and strips are movable, tons of custom buttons, plenty of faders. It’s honestly awesome and perfect for what I do. And about the preamps, they truly do sound great in my opinion.