Aux Label

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ troubleshooting Aux Label

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  • #80032
    Profile photo of Stretch480Stretch480

    I have noticed that if I change the label of an Aux, the label does not update in the Mix bus Config screen. If you change the bus from its mono/stereo state and apply the label then updates. Changing the bus back to its desired config then puts things back to normal. I also noticed a small Audio interruption on my main buss which was not being fed by the Aux in question.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    the audio interruption is why the XCVI core is getting reconfigured at bus config changes
    you should avoid this during shows

    Profile photo of andrasarandrasar

    I had this phenomenon as well with renaming Aux names.
    Renaming the AUX wasn’t updated. After saving the show and recall the show it was fine. However not during the normal operation.


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