Anyone using TCP Midi for anything interesting?

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  • #72074

    No, that’s true – you need something between touchOSC and the MIDI NRPN to moderate communications. (Which is why I use Osculator.) In a windows environment I’d be willing to bet you could use Reaper as that intermediary. TouchOSC definitely works with it, and Reaper can handle NRPN natively IIRC.

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    I would like to see (like Yamaha has) a completely SYSEX-based MIDI implentation, instead of a combination of PC/SYSEX/CC/NRPN messages. A messsage for every parameter on the console as well – there are many parameters not implemented. I know that the communication of every parameter is already implemented in whatever method the console uses to speak to iPads, Director, surfaces, etc… It should be easy enough to translate those messages to SYSEX and OSC.

    Anyone ever “sniffed” the communication between the MixRack and controller?


    +1 for OSC. OSC would be phenomenally useful to have integrated natively.

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