AHM 64 dedicated forum?

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  • #93582
    Profile photo of PogoPogo

    Hi, just wondering if there are plans for a dedicated AHM 64 forum within the current ones?
    I’m having a play around with one at present, and I’m having a few issues, both with the unit itself, and also with the Custom Control software (trying to create a control page for an 8 way zone system)
    Anyone else tried one out yet?

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Pogo,
    We are currently debating whether the Digital Community is the best place for AHM discussions. In the meantime, any issue with the unit or software, you can talk to your local A&H distributor or to our UK Support team at support.allen-heath.com

    As for Custom Control, you will need V1.1 of Custom Control for AHM-64, which should be released imminently.

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    Hi Nicola, I have looked at the software and I noticed that there are an incredible amount of EQ possibilities, but the individual bands in the crossovers have too few filter options.
    There should be one Lo and one Hicut per band so that you can use the system to its full potential.

    This is just my opinion, thank you

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    are there any plans to realize a separate (sub-)forum for Custom Control and AHM64?
    or is there a place to discuss related problems?

    or maybe an A&H-Install area/forum

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