A&H Orange Box

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  • #110324
    Profile photo of EdoardoEdoardo


    I feel like a very good product to have in the A&H line of products would be their version of an Orange Box. A rackmounted box that handles two A&H cards (be 64×64 on SQ cards or 128×128 on dLive cards) and that simply routes 1:1 the channels from one card to the other. This would allow an SQ to be plugged into multiple other devices, like having two SQ connected via sLink but having the second one with a Dante card sending audio to amps and at the same time to a “RED BOX” that sends via soundgrid to a server and back. Or the option of having madi as well as dante in the same setup all through this box. Would it be useful to anyone?

    Profile photo of Tatsuya NakamuraTatsuya Nakamura


    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    You can use an Orange box for that purpose already with the A&H system. Of course you need to fill the Orange box with Digico cards, but if you want a box that converts Dante to Waves or Madi, you can use the Digico box in any console environment. After all, it is converting “normal” Dante to “normal” Waves – there is no Digico element to this. The orange box simply allows you to build your own “bridge” to convert Dante/Made/Waves in any combination you need and it doesn’t require a Digico system to work.

    Of course you couldn’t use the box to convert Dante to GigaAce/Slink or Waves to GigaAce/Slink, etc, but that is about the only situation I can think of where a “Allen and Heath orange box” would be required.

    Still I will +1 this request, or at least request that Digico produces GigaAce Digico expansion cards – just like they produce ME Digico expansion cards – so that we could use an Orange box to gain an extra GigaAce card if our console already is full and there is a Dante/Waves/Madi card installed in the system.

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