You can use an Orange box for that purpose already with the A&H system. Of course you need to fill the Orange box with Digico cards, but if you want a box that converts Dante to Waves or Madi, you can use the Digico box in any console environment. After all, it is converting “normal” Dante to “normal” Waves – there is no Digico element to this. The orange box simply allows you to build your own “bridge” to convert Dante/Made/Waves in any combination you need and it doesn’t require a Digico system to work.
Of course you couldn’t use the box to convert Dante to GigaAce/Slink or Waves to GigaAce/Slink, etc, but that is about the only situation I can think of where a “Allen and Heath orange box” would be required.
Still I will +1 this request, or at least request that Digico produces GigaAce Digico expansion cards – just like they produce ME Digico expansion cards – so that we could use an Orange box to gain an extra GigaAce card if our console already is full and there is a Dante/Waves/Madi card installed in the system.