It would be great to add a naming slot for every softkeys, and potentially to have that name instead of the softkey number on Director to make it easier to use softkeys
(Also, it’s a nice example of how Director could go beyond the capabilities of the surfaces if A&H didn’t keep Director’s UI a perfect clone of the surfaces’ UI.)
I’m glad I searched first… I was just about to start this thread again!
Anyway, +1, please! I just set up some rather “dangerous” softkeys in Director (they change the ABCD sources for a bunch of channels), and now I’m not sure I want to keep them since there’s no way to label them in any shape, form, or fashion. Even board tape on the computer’s screen wouldn’t work since the window gets moved a lot.
Rob and Jack reacted very surprised about the request for softkey naming in Director (and possibly MixPad) during the Audio Technica Q&A stream, as if this was brand new to them. So I have to bring this topic back on top, as this request goes back to 2020.