Actions – SoftKey Toggle State Reset

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Actions – SoftKey Toggle State Reset

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  • #122989
    Profile photo of TravisTravis

    Loving the new actions! I would love to see the soft keys return to the toggle state they were in when the surface reboots. For instance, if I turn the surface off while a soft key is in the cyan state, it will be in the magenta state next time it boots without actually having fired the action assigned to the cyan state.

    Application: In a church setting, I set up actions to move my vocals between a lead vox group, and a BGV group. I may have assigned a vocal to the lead vox group at Wednesday rehearsal. When I boot up the console on Sunday, I want the soft keys to reflect who is in the lead group (cyan) and who is in the BGV group (magenta).

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