Ableton Live with Qu-32

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    Profile photo of shaneshane

    Hey all,

    I’ve very new into DAW integration, but I’m trying to send 5 channels from my Qu-32 to my windows laptop, run through ableton live with a few effects, then send back to 5 different channels on the Qu-32. I’ve downloaded the DAW controller and Qu USB driver, and the laptop sees the board.

    I’ve set the DAQ control to Qu Series, MIDI channel 2, Mackie Control, and QU-32 MIDI In and Out for the ports. The input box lights up when I move a slider.

    I’ve set up a custom layer on the Qu-32 by going to Settings > Control > Custom Layer and then set all channels to MIDI

    I’ve verified the MIDI channel by going to Control > MIDI and make sure MIDI Channel is set to Ch 1 (MIDI DAW Control Channel 2)

    The 5 channels I want to receive back from ableton I’ve set their source to MIDI/USB-B

    This is where I’m having issues..

    Going into Ableton Live Preferences, I set the Control Surface to MackieControl, with the Input and Output to DAW Control MIDI 1. When I do that two sliders in the first Qu bank under the Custom layer slide up. If I create 4 more MIDI Control Surfaces, with the input and output as DAW Control MIDI 2, 3, 4, – two faders in each back of 8 channels on the board slide up.

    Now when I try to add a channel in ableton, I can’t seem to get a source. I’ve selected 2-MIDI and the specific channel and I can’t seem to find a signal from the board.

    Again as I’m new sorry if there’s specific details missing, but hoping someone can help me out.

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Shane,

    If you just want to send audio to Ableton Live and then feed that back onto the desk, you don’t need the DAW Control Driver for this. The DAW Control Driver is used for MIDI control only and isn’t used for any audio.

    If you are using the USB B connection on the back of the mixer and have the USB driver installed, go to Ableton Live preferences > Audio and select the Qu ASIO driver as your audio device. You can then configure your inputs and outputs to enable the I/O you need.

    Once this is done, you can source a track from a Qu input by select Ext in as your Audio From setting and selecting the channel you want to source from (inputs 1 to 5 for example). Then for your Audio To setting you can use Ext Out and select the channel you want to send the track to (channels 6 to 10 for example).

    If you do want to set up DAW control with Ableton so control the track levels, mutes, etc, you’ll need to follow the steps here:,-274,177

    If you have any trouble getting the above to work, please go to to start a ticket.


    Profile photo of shaneshane

    Awesome thanks that’s getting me in the right direction. I set that all up, ASIO Driver, Qu ASIO Driver device, then selected my input channels and output channels. However when I insert a track and select Ext. In, with the channel that is sending audio, I’m not getting a signal. Any thoughts?


    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Shane,

    I recommend going to to start a support ticket. One of the team can then look at your setup in more detail.


    Profile photo of shaneshane

    Sounds good thanks, I think I figured it out just now, the USB channels were offset. However now I’m getting this weird interference every 20 seconds or so. I’ll make a ticket though. Thanks!

    Profile photo of dB TechdB Tech

    Good afternoon friend, I have acquired a QU 16, I have previously installed the DAW Control, then I have connected it through the usb port that is located on the back of the QU 16 to a Mac Book, it has perfectly recognized the inputs and outputs in Ableton Live 10, I open the DAW Control and configuring it respectively, Mixer: qu series, Midi channel: 2, protocol: HUI, option: midi ports and input and uotput ports to QU 16.

    Then I follow the steps you have indicated in this post, I go to Ableton / preferences / audio / audio device / type of controller … and that’s where the option to select QU Asio as controller does not appear, it only appears CoreAudio.
    I need to use the QU 16 to integrate it with Ableton to use some channels via USB B Streaming and other instruments in other physical inputs that I want to go through Ableton to process and send them back to their respective channels so that they can be controlled from the QU 16.
    Try to map from Ableton as a control surface, and when mapping the mutes it is inverted (i.e. active mute in the QU 16 and in Ableton it is deactivated and vice versa)
    I would like to know where I am failing, I appreciate your help.

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H


    The DAW Control Driver is used only for MIDI control between the DAW and the mixer, so this isn’t needed for audio streaming.

    On Mac, the Qu is core audio compliant, which means no ASIO/WDM driver is needed. If you select the Core Audio device, does it work as required?


    Profile photo of FLORINFLORIN

    I read your article attentively. So if I understand well you can use Ableton live with the QU16 under windows with a number of tracks up to 22. Is that correct?
    I ‘m namely considering a purchase of he QU16 but I have to be sure about what I can do with it.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    16 mono and 3 stereo tracks are available on the mixing desk from the computer
    and the desk sends 24 channels

    you can take part on a webinar Keith will hold
    an overview is available here

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    And why is it not adequately documented so we can read it quickly and easier
    and dont have to waste time with videos

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