I was going through the outputs on a press bridge today for a gig coming up this weekend. The press bridge has a VU meter and I was setting it to zero using a 1kHz sine wave generated by my Qu16 on Mix 1 directly out of the console. After going through all the outputs of the press bridge I switched the press bridge input source to Output 1 (default assigned to Mix 1) of my AB168. With the console still generating a 1kHz tone and no faders moved, the VU meter on the press bridge read -.5db rather than 0. I took the cable out of the AB168 and moved it to Mix 1 on the console. The VU meter read 0. Moving the cable back to Output 1 on the AB168, it read -.5db. This was with a 50-foot Cat5 solid core cable connected.
Has anyone on this board noticed this? Certainly I would not notice a .5db difference in a live situation, but one would think that it should be the same output level as the Mix outs on the console.
Tomorrow I’ll be comparing the other outputs of the console to those of the AB168. I’ll also switch out the Cat5 cable with my 100-meter cable and see if there is any difference between the two.