A few thoughts from me Ladies and Gents.
1 Separate out the Dynamics in the Recall Filter/Global Safes – Create separate Gate and Compressor Settings Filters, and separate Gate On/Off and Comp On/Off items in Recall Filter/Global Safes.
2 Rather than just a single Patchbay for all I/O, create separate Inputs, Ouputs and Insert Send/Return Patchbay items in Recall Filter/Global Safes.
3 I believe this has already been mentioned but please add the Individual Main L+R as a Ganging option.
4 Add Gate Threshold as a Custom Rotary option
5 Add UNDO GO to Soft Key Options – this would be a great way to have, for instance, a Temporary Surface Layout Scene on a Soft Key (for instance a 1 to 1 layout or a Monitor Send layout) then by pressing the UNDO GO Soft Key, hop straight back to the first scene. This could also be used for a temporary parameter adjustment scene which then returns the saved parameters to exactly where they were previously. Having UNDO GO on a Soft Key would be much quicker and easier than the two button press needed currently.
That’s it for now, thank you.