3 Stacks, 2 PAs – how to patch this?

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  • #106625
    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman


    So this summer I have a “festival” for which the intention is to run two stages, but as they will be right next to each other, only use 3 PA stacks.

    How would anybody go about sorting it so that speaker 1&2 are L&R or 2&3 are L&R?

    I should have all 3 matrixes available, and probably 3 spare mixes after sorting monitors (From FOH desk, with iPad operator I hope).

    Plan is for SQ to do main stage with a second desk (could be QU-PAC) running 2nd and sending its L&R to the SQ.

    I can easily see how to do this if I run in mono, but can’t get my head around keeping it stereo.

    I don’t want to alter patches between bands – but is that being silly?


    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Hi Mark,

    The only thing you have to do, is summing for Stack 2 the R of Desk1 and L of Desk2.

    Desk1 L -> Stack1
    Desk1 R -> Summing Device -> Stack2
    Desk2 L -> Summing Device -> Stack2
    Desk2 R -> Stack3

    Better to do this Analog, eg that device is great:https://apb-dynasonics.com/product/mixswitch/#4

    If you want to sum digital, be aware of the Latency, to stay phase coherent!!
    So L and R have to go the same signal-path!

    greetings dd

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    It should work with 2 matrix busses in SQ.
    One Mono, one Stereo.

    Qu L -> ExtIn Matrix 1 -> stack 1
    Qu R -> ExtIn L!! Matrix 2 -> stack 2
    SQ L -> L Matrix 2 -> stack 2
    SQ R -> R Matrix 2 -> Stack 3


    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman


    I’d considered analog summing, but had hoped to find a solution with no extra hardware.

    Your second suggestion should work fine – I’d not considered the Extn In.

    Many thanks 😀

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