Hi there,
I’ve been using Waves’ Soundgrid system since November.
Bought it because there was no onboard Deesser or multiband comp last year.
Version 9.0 was VERY stable, there are some minor hickups during The loading process since V9.5., guess they’ll fix that with he next update.
Up and running, it never had any issues at all!
I started with the Gold bundle plus C6 multiband, which is my most important tool.
Then GAS hit me and in the end (is there an end?) I got the CLA comps, SSL bundle, Renaissance bundle, Aphex exciter and some other plugs.
What I use and love the most are:
C6 for master and vocals
SSL comp for condensing and gluing groups,
SSL eq for everything Rock
RenDeesser (much better than the onboard deesser)
Doubler ro fatten up vocals and (real) strings
Aphex Exciter to put some shimmer on top of the voices.
If I travel without my GLD I also use Ren Reverbs, they saved my ass more than one time…
I configured the soundgrid system to record 40 channels directly after the head amps with Reaper and 24 channels of insert connected to Multirack.
After all,I’m very happy with that setup.