Delayed connection to AR2412

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  • #23925
    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    Hi, all.

    A&H’s Canadian distributor is beavering away on this but I thought I’d throw it to the forums as well for the benefit of anyone else who may have seen this.

    Our AR2412 is occasionally taking as long as 20 minutes to connect to the GLD-80. The console boots up fine, there’s just no I/O from the AR2412 until the connection is made. Once the AR2412 connects there are no further issues.

    We have one AR84, connected directly to the GLD, which works fine.

    Anybody seen anything like this?

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Is there anything else connected to the same piece of Cat5 the dSnake network is on?

    Any expansion cards in the console?


    Profile photo of Sound DoctorSound Doctor

    Have you tried different cat5 cables/snakes?

    GLD80, AR2412, AR84, MMO, GLD Remote, KR202 array

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    It looks like a power supply problem in the AR2412… takes about 15 minutes after turning on the power switch until the blue “power on” LED on the back lights up.

    Once it actually powers up, the AR2412 connects to the GLD within seconds.

    I swear I’m not making this up.

    Our AR2412 will be shipped back to be repaired under warranty, and a demo unit to temporarily replace it is en route to the dealer… quite satisfied with the service.

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    …and our AR2412 has returned!

    Cause of the erratic behaviour was a bad solder joint in the power supply, apparently.

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