Qu-16 Setting up Delay Lines

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  • #23924
    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Is there a way to setup Delaylines with the Qu-16 or would you not recomend it? I would say i could take an AUX, set all the Input-Sends to unity and change them to POST-FADER…? Would that work?
    On the GLD you have the Matrix Outs for the Delaylines… but if i just need one microfone but different Delayed-Speakers then i would prefer the small-size-mixer Qu-16!

    Thanks for reply!

    GLD-80 / AR2412 / AR84 / Qu-16

    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    I just figured out a way to do this. Don’t laugh, it works!

    Patch the 2TRK Out to Stereo 1 In using short, 1/4 inch balanced jumpers.
    Assign Stereo 1 to Mix 9-10 and un-assign it from L/R
    Assign the Alt-Out Source to Mix 9-10
    Drive the Delay Speakers off the Alt Out Jacks
    Adjust the delay time at the Mix 9-10 Process Screen

    The main L/R Fader will now control the mains and the delay speakers. You can adjust the relative gain of the delayed speakers with the Alt Volume Control.

    Mpls, MN USA

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