Templates vs Scenes

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    Profile photo of Joe HinkensJoe Hinkens

    Just getting into the GLD 80 for the first time. Can anyone clarify the difference between templates and scenes?

    Thank you,


    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    A template is similar to a show (essentially it’s a factory-defined show that you can’t change or delete).

    Each show contains its own separate set of user libraries (saved EQ settings, dynamics, etc) and has its own set of 500 slots to save scenes.

    There are some aspects of the board setup (PAFL preferences for example) that aren’t stored per-scene but only per-show. And I don’t think you can store a single scene to USB but only a complete show file.

    Saving and recalling scenes is essentially instantaneous, saving and recalling shows can take a little longer. In a live situation, you’d generally be working off of one show file and flipping between saved scenes in that show (in a festival-type scenario you might have one saved show per band).

    Clear as mud?

    Profile photo of Joe HinkensJoe Hinkens


    Originally posted by jcarter

    A template is similar to a show (essentially it’s a factory-defined show that you can’t change or delete).

    Each show contains its own separate set of user libraries (saved EQ settings, dynamics, etc) and has its own set of 500 slots to save scenes.

    There are some aspects of the board setup (PAFL preferences for example) that aren’t stored per-scene but only per-show. And I don’t think you can store a single scene to USB but only a complete show file.

    Saving and recalling scenes is essentially instantaneous, saving and recalling shows can take a little longer. In a live situation, you’d generally be working off of one show file and flipping between saved scenes in that show (in a festival-type scenario you might have one saved show per band).

    Clear as mud?

    Yea J,
    I think I’ve got it. Essentially, ‘scenes’ are a subset of ‘Shows’ (templates). So theoretically, If i had several user scenes, saving a user show would bring the scenes along with it. Is that right?


    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    Yea J,
    I think I’ve got it. Essentially, ‘scenes’ are a subset of ‘Shows’ (templates). So theoretically, If i had several user scenes, saving a user show would bring the scenes along with it. Is that right?


    I should also add the caution that *loading* a user show will overwrite the scene storage slots with whatever’s
    stored in the show… when in doubt, save your board configuration in a show before loading a user show or a template!

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    This may be the same as what jcarter just said, but because the scenes are stored in the show you will want to overwrite your show file to update the scene memories within it.

    If you recall a show file which has the scenes “intro” “band 1” “band 2” and then add a “band 3” and don’t overwrite the show file with the new version, “band 3” will be gone next time you recall it.


    Profile photo of Joe HinkensJoe Hinkens


    Originally posted by Chris93

    This may be the same as what jcarter just said, but because the scenes are stored in the show you will want to overwrite your show file to update the scene memories within it.

    If you recall a show file which has the scenes “intro” “band 1” “band 2” and then add a “band 3” and don’t overwrite the show file with the new version, “band 3” will be gone next time you recall it.


    That makes perfect sense Chris. Thanks for the explanation.


    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    What’s about loading scenes from guest technicians into an active show?

    If i would have several gigs at a event weekend… then i would prepare a new show where i set up my delays, EQs, Routing etc…. and store that in a scene called: PreShow
    From this scene i can build up every band and i will probably change the Main-EQ’s, Delays etc to “SAFE-MODE” and just leave the Input-Channels recalable! That’s what i’m familiar with!
    But what’s the best way to handle a new show or scene from a guest technician? If there would be a band who has their show on a USB-Stick for the GLD-80… is there a easy way to “FREEZE” the MAIN-EQ, DELAYs and I/O Routing but recall the Input-Settings and Monitor-Settings (AUX)from the technicians USB-Stick?
    The only way i actually know is to “Copy&Paste” the needed settings from one show to another… but in a complex setup this could take a long long time! Maybe there’s a better way with the upcoming offline editor?

    GLD-80 / AR2412 / AR84 / Qu-16

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