Hi guys, I need some help with an installed iDR.
So we have a semi permanent venue install near the Sydney Opera House.
I have installed an iDR-16 with a PLnet fader board to be the ‘basic’ sound system. When we mix bands or need a better control solution, we just take in a surface and/or and xDR. Concept works a treat!
However we are having serious issues with the iDR.
First iDR died and had to have its main board replaced.
Second one now is occasionally booting up with the PLnet controller having a RED main LED, meaning ‘no connection’!
My only thought right now is that the iDR is not liking being just ‘turned off’. But I am unaware of any shut down procedure from the iDR or the surface from that matter. (the surface shutdown/powerdown button only powerdowns the surface!)
Please let me know your thoughts…
Current stock:
2x T112, 1x T80, 2x R72, 2x iDR-48, 3x iDR-16, 2x xDR-16
4x Dante Cards, 3x ACE Cards