Feature requests- Scene memory for musicals

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  • #23678
    Profile photo of John-SJohn-S


    I just finished my first musical play with my GLD. I live and die by the scene memories. This play had about 140 scenes. The new scene options in V1.10 were the reason I purchased the system. I trust development has not slowed on the software. Here are a few things that would make it even more useful (to me at least).

    1- Can the scene I just recalled automatically migrate to the center of the scene window. Now it most always is at the bottom. Look-ahead is important. Presently I only see where I have been, which is not helpful. It might be cool (and very Apple-ish) if the recalled scene does increment down the window but a few seconds later it auto-resets to the center. You will know more easily which way you are progressing, like you do now.

    2- Please make a useful “next scene and take” option on the User Defined Keys (UDK). The auto-increment option is not predictable. Presently, unless you start from about three scenes back and advance to where you want to be, the first one or two scenes are not recalled. I do not understand it. No matter what buttons I pressed to arrive at a my present scene I want to be able to press a (UDK) “next and take” button to advance to the next programmed scene and have it “take” without fail.

    3- Can the UDKs appear on the Ipad app? I have an assistant reading the script and advancing the scenes. Presently we have to share the surface area between the far right fader (my FOH main) and the UDKs which is about two inches. If the UDKs could be on the Ipad, the script reader/scene changer could be at any convenient nearby place. I think it may be hard for the definition of the UDKs to migrate to the Ipad app but even if I had to enter the definitions manually onto the Ipad UDK button icons it would be a big help.

    3a- Can the main FOH fader be (optionally) next to the UDKs on that same ipad app? My assistant often needs to kill the FOH mix before advancing the scene change.

    4- Can the motors of the faders be energized a bit longer? They seem to be energized for only 250 milliseconds. If a scene is changed while my fingers are on the faders I have mistakenly held the fader long enough to prevent its moving to the next scene’s position. Several times I have had to re-press “take” to be assured the faders were in their proper place. One second of energization should suffice. Possibly make the energized time (globally) user selectable in the scenes.

    5- If a scene is changed and before power-down, can there be a reminder to save the revised show? Luckily the scene changes were always still there after reboot, thank you.

    6- Scene fade-in time, user-selectable by channel and scene (not just globally). Presently it is zero for every scene. Ambience changes are perceptible with zero time fade-ins.

    7- Am I doing something wrong? I cannot make the gangings stay from one scene memory to the next. Global gang safes do not work in my scenario. I may need a gang for a few scenes and then they must go away. Presently I have to visit each of the scenes and program the gang for each scene separately. Can they work like fader safes do (not the global safes). ie:I want faders 1 thru 6 ganged only for scenes 24, 25 and 26. Not before or after. It now is about 30 button presses to achieve this.

    8- Can the GUI sliders on the side/below the screen have a larger targets? I must have fingers like baseball bats. It is almost impossible to move thru the grid without inadvertently turning on or off something unwanted. The slider target is about 1/4 the size of my finger tip. I have recalibrated the screen four times.

    9- A downloadable, printable manual with an extensive index. When you are in the heat of the battle you do not have the luxury of time to wade through a video course. How about a searchable on-board E-manual? You should see the printed manual Yamaha gives with their 01v96.

    Well I know this is wordy but this what I found on the first outing. My previous mixer was the aforementioned Yamaha 01V96-V2 where most all of the above pertinent issues do not exist.

    Thank you for letting me vent/suggest. Let me know if some of these have merit or if I am simply wasting my time.

    John Stefanick

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