reading through the threads about “can we have this..and this… and this… and…” made me think of where we have come from.
For the first couple of years of live sound, the main rig I used had no compressors, no foldback (thankfully everyone was DIed even the Simmon’s kit), 4-way fixed EQ, and the only effect unit was a Roland Tape Echo.
working with things like this, I really worked what I had hard to get the best sound I could and so when I added something new, I knew what I wanted it to do and the sound I was searching for that I couldn’t achieve.
Now in one device I have a two stage pre-amp, HPF, Stereo channel processing, 4 way fully parametric EQ, 3 independent Dynamics controllers; enough aux channels for 4 channels of speaker foldback, 8 mono IEMs, 2 stereo IEMs, separate OB mix, separate send to the production talkback system, and an independent SUB ; 8! built in awesome effects; extra processing on matrix outputs for individual speaker processing for each speaker pair and even extra processing for Main BUS mix processing like a gentle “glue it together” compressor.
Am I really stretching what I have to its best possible sound now like I used to?
I’d like to think so but there are always things to change and try…
Duncan Whitcombe
Mirror Sounds & metrochurch
Perth, Australia
T112, iDR48x2