USB Stick for playback + recording

Forums Forums GLD Forums Archived GLD Discussions USB Stick for playback + recording

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  • #23631
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    On the GLD there is 2 USB inputs. I want one USB-stick for playback mp3 files + another USB-stick to save different scenes and for Recording the show. How do I set it up to use both USB-sticks for my needs. Isn’t it possible to use 2 USB sticks at the same time on the GLD? How can I see, which one of the USB-stick is playing back, and which one of them is gonna save the recording of the show? How do I shift between them, fx if I got different files for playback on both USB-sticks? How do I set it all up also for recording the show on one of the USB-sticks, that I have plugged into the GLD?


    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    I thought it’s not possible to use both USB at once!
    The second one is only to charge a smartphone, ipad, or whatever!
    First USB that you plug in, can be used in GLD! Or are there any changes since the last firmware update?

    GL2400 32CH ==> GLD-80 / AR2412 / AR84

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