Boot time and audio out during boots

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    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    One of my concerns about purchasing the GLD80 is because of the few comments about the surface freezing. One our Pastors asked how long it takes too boot. Seems to me it’s less than a minute, but since we no longer have the board in house, I thought I’d ask.

    Concerning boots, will there be any audio signal sent through the system during boot time? In other words, is there a type of pass through?

    Rick Kohrs
    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – West Campus
    Verona, WI

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    I’d say ours takes between a minute and a minute and a half to boot. I think it depends how much stuff you have saved in your show file. The problem with the freezing has supposedly been fixed by the latest firmware.

    I can’t test this because I never had the problem. :)


    Profile photo of QualityAVQualityAV

    last time my desk froze (with firmware BETA001 or so) the audio went through.
    after installing the first official fimware Ive had NO problems.
    and now there’s another update, so we’re 3 versions further..
    i suggest you buy the console :) ownes GLD-80

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    I’ve never measured boot time but seems like about a minute or so. No audio passes while the boot-up is in progress.

    Profile photo of antonyjaantonyja

    I’ve just measured the boot time of the GLD, using V1.10, and settings based on the “Template2 LRM”, but with audio from the AR2412 to IEM listened to on headphones. The result I get is …. drumroll…. 43s.
    As is said in the release notes for V1.10 “Rare cases that could cause the GLD-80 to lock up due to a problem in a USB subsystem
    have been fixed.”.

    Antony Jackson
    Software Manager
    Allen & Heath Limited

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