FX Returns not making it to Mains Mix

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  • #23532
    Profile photo of mrabnemrabne


    We have an iLive T112 Surface and and IDR-48 MixRack. We are running Firmware 1.9 all around. It is set for LCR+Sub and we are only using C and Sub for Mains.

    Summary: We’ve set up an effect on FX1, and we can PAFL the effect (both wet and dry on Send and Return), but the wet effect is not making it to the Main Mix from the FX1 Return. I’d appreciate some assistance to get the FX Return assigned to the Main Mix.

    Details: We have an effect on FX Engine 1 and we set it to “Mix -> Return” and we set the input to patch from Mono FX1 Bus. We set up “CD Player” as an input on an input channel, used the Mix key on that channel to set the levels on FX1 Send and FX1 return to 0dB . We turned the Rotary Encoder up to 0dB on the FX1 Return and we can hear the CD playing “dry” on FX1 Send and “wet” on FX1 Return when we PAFL them respectively. All seems to be as it should and that was relatively straightforward.

    Now, how do we go about Assigning the FX1 Return to the Mains Mix? I thought it would just be Assigned there naturally, but since this is a Monitor Board as well, there may not always be a Mains Mix. So, I started looking more closely at the “Output” section of the Back Panel on the Effect and realized I didn’t understand how it should be set. I then found a note that as of Firmware 1.8, the “Patch To” drop down menu is replaced by the “View Outputs” and Unassign buttons. And that all patching is now done in the iLive “Outputs” menu or setting Rack FX as the source in the Preamp processing block of an Input Channel. Is that referring to the Outputs menu accessed with the key under the TouchScreen? I looked there and I can’t understand what to do to assign the FX Send to the Main Mix.

    I need someone to interpret what the above means, exactly. And here is the scenario we are driving towards if that would help. We’d like to have several Background Vocalists all assigned to the same FX engine and not have to Insert an Effect on each vocalist separately. Ideally, I would like to be able to grab the FX1 Return fader and pull it up or down to add or remove the wet BG Vocalists’ content to/from the Mains Mix as needed. I hope that is pretty standard and easy to accomplish. I just can’t figure out how to accomplish it. I feel like I am 95% of the way there, but I need that last bit of knowledge and a bit of guidance.

    I tried to attach my Archived Show File but I got a “500 – Internal Server Error”.


    Mark Rabne
    Strongsville, Ohio, USA

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert

    As far a I know, stereo channels are only sent to LR in a LCR set-up. FX returns are stereo. Would suggest to check L or R signal.


    IDR32, R72, Dante, Mixpad
    laptop, TP-Link TL-WR1043ND

    Profile photo of StixStix

    You could assign your fx to a group then send group to your centre main out or you could also return your fx through a channel to get to the centre.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Profile photo of mrabnemrabne

    Thanks for the helpful replies. I have added the Speaker Matrix Processor effect to blend LR across LCR in iLive Editor. When I am next at the console, I will load up the Show Archive and see how it works.

    Question: Does A-H plan to deliver a Centre-Sub FOH Template? Many Houses of Worship have a single Centre cluster and a Sub since it offers a high degree of vocal clarity and generally good spatial orientation between the audience and the Pastor who is normally standing right beneath the Centre Cluster. Or, is there a way to alter one of the existing FOH Templates so it only uses Centre and Sub and not Left and Right? It would be nice to free up two additional Mixes since we don’t use Left or Right.



    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k


    Originally posted by mrabne

    Thanks for the helpful replies. I have added the Speaker Matrix Processor effect to blend LR across LCR in iLive Editor. When I am next at the console, I will load up the Show Archive and see how it works.

    Question: Does A-H plan to deliver a Centre-Sub FOH Template? Many Houses of Worship have a single Centre cluster and a Sub since it offers a high degree of vocal clarity and generally good spatial orientation between the audience and the Pastor who is normally standing right beneath the Centre Cluster. Or, is there a way to alter one of the existing FOH Templates so it only uses Centre and Sub and not Left and Right? It would be nice to free up two additional Mixes since we don’t use Left or Right.



    the templates are just rough starting places, you could easily build your own template too

    iDR-48, T-112, Mixpad

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert


    Originally posted by mrabne

    Thanks for the helpful replies. I have added the Speaker Matrix Processor effect to blend LR across LCR in iLive Editor. When I am next at the console, I will load up the Show Archive and see how it works.

    Question: Does A-H plan to deliver a Centre-Sub FOH Template? Many Houses of Worship have a single Centre cluster and a Sub since it offers a high degree of vocal clarity and generally good spatial orientation between the audience and the Pastor who is normally standing right beneath the Centre Cluster. Or, is there a way to alter one of the existing FOH Templates so it only uses Centre and Sub and not Left and Right? It would be nice to free up two additional Mixes since we don’t use Left or Right.



    Using the speaker processor offers possibilities for those houses of worschip where the Pastor is standing a little bit off-centre, they can then change the pocessor to a 5-way setting and use the LC or the RC output of the speaker processor for best results.


    IDR32, R72, Dante, Mixpad
    laptop, TP-Link TL-WR1043ND

    Profile photo of RaySRayS

    returning the fx to an input as suggested should work



    [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Photo/File: outputmono.jpg
    98.27 KB

    [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Photo/File: monfx.jpg
    97.37 KB

    Profile photo of StixStix

    @Rays – I think the problem is that even if the IPFX are assigned to mains they still won’t be heard on the center out of a LCR mix set up as fx only get routed to the LR busses as Woutert also mentioned.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

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