No Audio at Low Fader

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  • #23527
    Profile photo of jeffs7jeffs7

    I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but it is a behavior that I find strange. It works as follows:

    Pick a channel, any channel with any type of input. Apply signal with the fader at -INF. No audio comes through. All is normal. Begin to slowly raise the fader. No audio will come through until the fader is somewhere past -59.5, where the audio suddenly comes on, almost like a gate even though none is active. Lower the fader below this threshold and the audio will decrease with it but try to raise the fader up again, without exceeding the threshold around -59.5, and the audio will not increase. Increase the fader past the threshold and the audio will again jump to that level. Further, as the fader is again decreased below this threshold, the distortion in the signal increases.

    I have tried this with SPDIF surface and analog mixrack inputs and it behaves the same for both. I am running V1.90 on brand new equipment. Again, I am not sure if this is a bug or what exactly is going on, but I would sure love to know because this does not seem like it should be doing this.


    Profile photo of jeffs7jeffs7

    Anybody? Is this documented and known or simply accepted as standard behavior of a “professional” mixer?

    I suppose I will submit an actual support ticket and find out what the official answer is.


    Profile photo of millstmillst

    what rack / surface combo are you using.
    I will try this to see if I can confirm.

    Profile photo of jeffs7jeffs7

    It was a T112 and iDR-32. I actually submitted this to them in the form of a trouble ticket and this was the response:


    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your email.

    We have recreated the issue you describe and our R&D team will be looking into it.

    Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you.

    Best Regards
    Allen & Heath Technical Support

    I know it was not a major issue, but to me it is attention to these small details that make a product “professional” or not, so I definitely appreciate their response.


    Profile photo of antonyjaantonyja

    Thanks for the report, I can confirm that this is indeed a bug in the firmware, we are working on a solution that will be included in the next software release.

    Antony Jackson
    Software Manager
    Allen & Heath Limited

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