Custom Strips Editor

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  • #23496
    Profile photo of MaartenLouerMaartenLouer


    Just like to know if i can make more then one custom strip?
    So basically a new window with one strip?

    Situation now is that i have one Window with 2 or more tabs. In these tabs I have defined my layout. I’m trying to avoid switching between tabs all the time so i’m looking for a solution to have 2 windows with custom strips. let say: upper window FOH strips and 2nd window Monitors. So that i can put both windows on my screen for full overview?

    any help would be great :)


    Maarten Louer

    Hi all,

    Just figuring out howto do some EQ over monitors. It seems that i only can EQ things on the Aux bus, but not on channels. Lets say i have a stereo in ear mix, and the singer wants the guitar to be EQ’d how can i do that? FOH EQ is no problem but EQuing instruments over Aux channels. kind regards,

    Maarten Louer

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator

    Maarten –

    You can have 2 “windows”, upper & lower in the MIXPAD app, with up to 16 strips per “window”.

    In the EDITOR you can stretch the “custom” window to have pretty much unlimited strips per “tab”; (I put in 22 strips as a test, could have added more.)

    You could use the “I/P” tab to show your foh channels and the custom tab for your monitor channels. The “I/P” tab can be shortened to fit your desire, and the tabs can be arranged on the screen also.

    Tim Tyler
    Detonator Sound
    Richmond, Va USA
    T112/48 R72/32 laptop iPad Dir-815 Dante

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