Fader Limit?

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    Profile photo of brianaudiobizbrianaudiobiz

    I have a prospective customer who has borrowed one of our GLD-80s. He stated the following:

    “Regarding the faders on the gld-80, the problem I was having was when I would push it above U, it would act as if it had a “fail safe” or a limiter on each of the channels, including the main and DCA’s, and snap the fader back to -10.”

    I have not seen this before, and I don’t have another unit to try and replicate this problem. Has anyone out there experienced this or have a good theory? Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    The only thing that I can think of is the DCA mute group function where the fader can be locked to unity to use a DCA as just a mute group. The fader will stay on 0 electronically. It can be physically moved but will move back to 0 when released.

    There can also be some strange behaviour if two or more faders are ganged and the user puts their fingers on both and tries to move them at the same time. They can become unsure of which one is in charge and when you let go they jump to a position different from where you put them. They’ve always gone lower when I’ve seen it happen.

    None of these are really like what has been described but may give you something to think about.


    Profile photo of brianaudiobizbrianaudiobiz

    I’ll have them take a look. Thanks for the response. Cheers!

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    Could the faders have been incorrectly calibrated at some point?

    Might be a good idea to have your customer run through the fader calibration routine to see if that fixes the problem.

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