Powering-down procedure?

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    Profile photo of stephenwolf

    So, I have had questions about this since I first started using the system a bit over a year ago and have never really understood how it works so I figured I would throw it out to the community. (finally) :-)

    What is the proper way to shutdown and power-off an ilive system?

    I know there is a shutdown option in the surface, but that seems to only do the surface and not the mixrack, and though it complains the next time you turn on if you don’t use it there doesn’t seem to be any negative impact on just pulling the plug.
    Also, as I said, there doesn’t seem to be any way to tell the mixrack that it is about to loose power. I know there is a computer in there and the thought of constantly pulling the plug on it gives me shudders but I don’t see any other way.
    I ask because this system I am using was installed on a switched power system so at the end of every rehearsal and/or event the whole system power is sequentially switched off from the breaker room via a push-button control system. As a result the shutdown feature is hardly ever used and the ilive power is cut each and every time.

    Does anyone know if the system is ok with just pulling the plug every time? Is the shutdown option truly important? Any thoughts?

    Profile photo of Lieven-Dewispelaere

    The surface/touchscreen has an actual computer inside with a SSD drive.
    If you pull the plug on the surface it could be that at that time there is data written in the system. So it could be corrupted. It is necessary to use the shutdown procedure to avoid corrupt data in the system.
    The IDR rack on the other hand is more a DSP board and not a PC.
    There are also systems that detect a power shutdown and backup settings fast before completely losing power.
    I don’t know if the idr has such a circuit.
    It is safe the pull the plug instead of power off with the switch. I think the switch just cuts of the line power all the same.

    There is some speculation here. Maybe A&H can confirm or clarify.


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of Dave

    The surface is based on Linux. The normal shutdown procedure makes sure all buffered SDD writes (or USB drives) are flushed before shutting down. Shutting down without using the proper procedure risks leaving the buffered writes not written. Linux detects improper shudown and warns you about it.

    Your best best is to follow the documented procedure and avoid the risk of file corruption.


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