Hello everyone,
I had the touch screen on my T-112 crash during sound check on Sunday. I’ve had the iLive for about 18 months and this is the first crash I’ve had. I did the update to 1.9 when it came out and I’ve had a half dozen trouble free shows with that firmware.
The touch screen graphics started getting corrupted. This got worse and worse until the screen crashed and started scrolling i/o error messages. This continued for about 5 minutes then the touch screen just shut down. The iDR and the surface neither one were effected. In fact we continued sound check (minus the touch screen). A reboot restored the screen and the show seems fine. I had a trouble free show this morning as well.
Has anyone else had touch screen issues since 1.9?
David Shriver
Director of Technical Operations
Email: david@rockportmusic.org
Shalin Liu Performance Center
37 Main Street
Rockport, MA 01966