Touch Screen crash

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  • #23455
    Profile photo of dshriverdshriver

    Hello everyone,

    I had the touch screen on my T-112 crash during sound check on Sunday. I’ve had the iLive for about 18 months and this is the first crash I’ve had. I did the update to 1.9 when it came out and I’ve had a half dozen trouble free shows with that firmware.

    The touch screen graphics started getting corrupted. This got worse and worse until the screen crashed and started scrolling i/o error messages. This continued for about 5 minutes then the touch screen just shut down. The iDR and the surface neither one were effected. In fact we continued sound check (minus the touch screen). A reboot restored the screen and the show seems fine. I had a trouble free show this morning as well.

    Has anyone else had touch screen issues since 1.9?


    David Shriver
    Director of Technical Operations

    Shalin Liu Performance Center
    37 Main Street
    Rockport, MA 01966

    Profile photo of SamanthaCoolBeansSamanthaCoolBeans

    This is the 3rd touchscreen computer failure i have heard of in 4 weeks… Each time it has cost £800 to replace.

    Profile photo of PurePure

    Even worse, £800+ and 6 weeks with no surface. And counting…

    You can run without the SBC by plugging a laptop into a network port and running the DL5000System Manager application that’s included in the firmware. Handy to know to get you out of a tight spot as and when the SBC goes completely tits up.

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