Editor faster on windows! Why?

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  • #23454
    Profile photo of Mikael-GomilsekMikael-Gomilsek

    Is it just me who is experiencing Editor slow on OS X than on windows.
    I have tried both 10.6 10.7 10.8 on three computers, but no improvement.

    The SuperStrip can take up to two and half seconds to update.
    And if i am too (quick?) on the select button the “systems busy” pops up.

    Should it be like this? or have I missed any configuration in mac os x.

    Any help would be nice – thanks.


    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k

    Well Editor runs in Java, so make sure you have an up-to-date version of JRE. It should have nothing at all to do with Editor.


    Originally posted by Mikael Gomilsek

    Is it just me who is experiencing Editor slow on OS X than on windows.
    I have tried both 10.6 10.7 10.8 on three computers, but no improvement.

    The SuperStrip can take up to two and half seconds to update.
    And if i am too (quick?) on the select button the “systems busy” pops up.

    Should it be like this? or have I missed any configuration in mac os x.

    Any help would be nice – thanks.


    iDR-48, T-112, Mixpad

    Profile photo of Mikael-GomilsekMikael-Gomilsek

    Hello tk2k

    JRE is 1.7.0_9 I think is the latest.

    So you do not have these difficulties?
    Are you using mac?


    Originally posted by tk2k

    Well Editor runs in Java, so make sure you have an up-to-date version of JRE. It should have nothing at all to do with Editor.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    honestly java is not rock’n roll and I hope urgently the “New” editor 2.0 is without java. Try Java 1.6
    i am on Mac.


    Profile photo of Mikael-GomilsekMikael-Gomilsek

    Hi Torsten.

    Tried the 1.6 but no improvement.
    I have put together a short film to demonstrate the difference:

    it is almost 3 seconds difference between windows and os x.
    should it really be like this?

    Do you have the same latency?



    Originally posted by Düsenklang

    honestly java is not rock’n roll and I hope urgently the “New” editor 2.0 is without java. Try Java 1.6
    i am on Mac.


    Profile photo of simonstpaulisimonstpauli

    It may have something to Do with Apple not supporting Java since, like, 2010 or so. Steve Jobs didn’t like it.
    Java has been sub par on MacOS for some time and may be sub par for some time.
    But your performance is a bit too bad.


    Originally posted by Mikael Gomilsek

    Is it just me who is experiencing Editor slow on OS X than on windows.
    I have tried both 10.6 10.7 10.8 on three computers, but no improvement.

    The SuperStrip can take up to two and half seconds to update.
    And if i am too (quick?) on the select button the “systems busy” pops up.

    Should it be like this? or have I missed any configuration in mac os x.

    Any help would be nice – thanks.


    Christian Tepfer
    Hamburg, Germany

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    “Do you have the same latency?


    Hi, Mikael,
    no chance from here to say right or wrong.
    i think that java is not fault for the delay.
    and yes i have sometime latency on this when its get hot around….. but i think it is not your problem solver.

    good luck, Torsten

    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k

    To be honest I’ve never had a problem. It always seems fast enough

    iDR-48, T-112, Mixpad

    Profile photo of RaySRayS


    Originally posted by Mikael Gomilsek

    Hi Torsten.

    Tried the 1.6 but no improvement.
    I have put together a short film to demonstrate the difference:

    it is almost 3 seconds difference between windows and os x.
    should it really be like this?

    Do you have the same latency?


    Originally posted by Düsenklang

    honestly java is not rock’n roll and I hope urgently the “New” editor 2.0 is without java. Try Java 1.6
    i am on Mac.


    Experiencing the same lag on my system, I am really annoyed with all those “system busy” messages even though there is no audio going thru the system, no meter activity and just a surface and one wired editor session ……. very lethargic response from the mac’s editor window….. in v.1.9



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