Hi Brandon,
I’ve done a few shows using the Aviom system fed from an MMO card in the Mixrack.
Firstly, what are you using to interface between the iLive and Aviom?
If your using the aviom analog interface you need to make sure input levels to the unit are set right.
The next thing i would look at it where to use as send points to the aviom as there are several ways of getting inputs to the aviom, i.e Mix Rack Inputs, Channel Direct Outs, Mixes and so on.
I would set in such a way where the Kick, Snare, Hats and Bass are fed via Direct outs into the aviom then some mono/stereo auxes for the rest of the aviom feeds. again, its all down to how much control your band needs.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Matt Gunter
1 iLive 144, 2 T112, 3 R72, 1 GLD80, 3 iDR64, 2 iDR48, 1 iDR32, 2 iDR1616, 2 M-Dante, Mac Book Pro, iPad, Logic Pro, Reaper