Tweak feature set improvements?

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  • #23345
    Profile photo of baytonemusbaytonemus

    I’m not sure what version of Tweak I have on my iPhone4, but it was installed about a year and a half ago. The one feature that I wish it had is the ability to adjust the levels of inputs assigned to Aux mixes. I’m involved in SO many rehearsls where that is just about all I need and it’s a bit of a hassle to haul in my computer.


    iLive T-112 & iDR-48

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Ever thought about investing into an IPad and MixPad? Works really well – at least on IOS5… ;)

    Profile photo of baytonemusbaytonemus

    Yeah, that certainly would work well. Don’t have the budget for that, unfortunately. The thing is, I always have my phone with me, so that would still be the most convenient.

    iLive T-112 & iDR-48

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