Should I save as a scene or show?

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions Should I save as a scene or show?

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  • #23237
    Profile photo of bdunardbdunard

    I recently purchased an IDR32. This particular mix rack will be used without a control surface and specifically for the same band every time. Once we have got everything working well after a couple of shows I am wondering if I should save as a scene or a show? Can I save it directly to the MacBook pro internal disk that is running the iLive editor as well as a USB key?

    Also, as we have been prepping the system we will make a few changes then come back a couple days later and do a few more and so on. I have totally been relying on the fact that the iLive always seems to boot up with the most recent changes. Is this how it always works?

    Profile photo of tk2ktk2k


    Originally posted by bdunard

    I recently purchased an IDR32. This particular mix rack will be used without a control surface and specifically for the same band every time. Once we have got everything working well after a couple of shows I am wondering if I should save as a scene or a show? Can I save it directly to the MacBook pro internal disk that is running the iLive editor as well as a USB key?

    Also, as we have been prepping the system we will make a few changes then come back a couple days later and do a few more and so on. I have totally been relying on the fact that the iLive always seems to boot up with the most recent changes. Is this how it always works?

    You want to use show files for global configuration, your output patch, monitors and things of that nature. You use scenes to set monitor send levels for each song, what fx you want for each song, that sort of thing. Scenes are recalled instantly and live, while shows require some time to load. Save everything as a show and use scene for anything you want to change while giggin

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    For one band I work with I save a show file with a scene for each song that only holds the effects configuration.

    For each show I get a song list and rearrange the scenes to quickly set up the effects for the songs.

    Everything else is too variable due to the small venues and I manage it live. I even manage the effects sends manually.


    Profile photo of mumumumu

    i have a main show – and within this one i have as scenes the bands and events i do-
    then i have several convenient small scenes such as:

    all pan centered
    all hpf in
    dante playback
    undo dante playback
    flatten console
    gates in channel 1-8


    allways latest firm and software
    iLive-144/t-80/idr-10 /idr-48/dante/pl-6/eyepad 1/belkin router/

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