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  • #23194
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I would like to do something that I know is very simple on the M7 or LS9 but cant figure it out on the iLive.

    I would like to copy a channel to 2 seperate channels(Specifically vocal) and have each fader allow different compression and eq. One for the in ear monitor path and the other for the main mix.

    Can this be done internally? Both can use the same head amp.

    gary garrison

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator

    Gary –

    To perform a foh-monitor split, (let’s assume 24 channel of each):
    -assume input ch. 1-24 are assigned to mixrack inputs 1-24 (A1-C8).
    -go to and “select” ip channel strip 25, go to the preamp screen and select “A1” (ch 1) as its input, from the drop down menu. Ch 1 & ch 25 now share the same preamp section.
    -use the same procedure for any other channels you wish “split” into mains & monitor functions. ie. 2-26, 3-27, 4-28, etc.

    Essentially, you go to any channel strip and assign its input port, one port can be assigned to a number of channel strips.

    -Tim Tyler
    Detonator Sound
    Richmond, Va, USA

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