xDR-16 IP Adress

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions xDR-16 IP Adress

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  • #23125
    Profile photo of dshriverdshriver

    Is there a way to change the IP address (and other network settings) of the xDR-16 without connecting it to a Mixrack? I’ve changed all the network settings for my iLive system but I forgot to update the xDR. I’d like to avoid changing them all back just to update the xDR.


    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Yes. Power up the xDR while it is not connected to the MixRack, connect your laptop to the xDR NETWORK port and type (case sensitive) in your browser. Make sure the laptop is set to a compatible static address. Adjust and Update the settings.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    Originally posted by nicola

    Yes. Power up the xDR while it is not connected to the MixRack, connect your laptop to the xDR NETWORK port and type (case sensitive) in your browser. Make sure the laptop is set to a compatible static address. Adjust and Update the settings.

    Does this mean the ilive devices have a webserver built in?

    R-72, iDR-16, xDR-16, Dante

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