Getting ready to purchase IDR32…a few questions.

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    Profile photo of bdunardbdunard

    Greetings everyone I was directed here from the Pro Audio (LAB) forums. I am getting ready to purchase an IDR 32 to be used without a control surface but connected (hardwired) to a laptop and probably 3 to 5 ipads.

    1. If I purchase a couple of iPads I assume that as long as they are registered under my apple account I will only have to purchase the mixpad app once. Is this true?

    2. I plan on having up to 32 inputs but I will softpatch them into two inputs on the editor so I will basically have a FOH console and monitor console on my input channels. That makes it nice so I don’t have to send compression to the monitor mixes. If I do this and use all 64 channels can I add more software channels for FX returns or do the dedicated FX returns work well in the editor and offer enough flexibility?

    3. I notice that the mixpad doesn’t have a taptempo…is that something that may be added later. We mainly do private functions so our FOH mixer has been on a wireless tablet on the Yamaha stuff for years and one of his main concerns is that he won’t have tap tempo. Is the work around to setup a few delays set up at different times?

    4. Please send me any advice that you may have from using this setup in the real world that may make my purchase easier to implement or more effective.

    Thanks all and looking forward to becoming a part of the iLive community!

    Profile photo of bdunardbdunard

    One question I just thought of…

    1. Mac vs PC for laptop editor…any difference…pros cons?

    2. What connection does the laptop need to have in order to connect to the mixrack…I’m assuming it is an Ethernet.

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    If you’re using the iLive Editor, the delay FX does have tap tempo.

    You will have 30 buses to use. This should be plenty, depending on how you assign Aux, Groups, and FX.

    The disadvantage is that currently you cannot stop another editor on-line from doing bad things if they choose. Hopefully future releases of the editor will correct that. If not, perhaps third-party devices will solve it.

    Your connection is Ethernet. You can also use wireless if you maintain a good signal and trust it for a live show.


    Profile photo of musicmanagermusicmanager

    Dear bdunard:

    I am have about 100 shows into a tour that is set up just about how you want your system to work. I have an IDR32 and only use a macbook to control the system using editor. I have really had mixed results using the iPad. It has limited system control. For example, if you save Scenes/Mixes for different songs you can’t change between them using the iPad, only editor. What I have found best is to use a macbook air, and run editor, just a light weight and you have 100% control and function. We use it both WIFI and Ethernet. WIFI is fine along as the you don’t have dropouts or interruptions on the WIFI due to distance or other WIFI conflicts. I would say 95% of the shows I am just using WIFI. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you want to chat on the phone. I am on a tour in South East Asia now but email me and I will be happy to give you a buzz….jeff at 5280media dot com


    Profile photo of jgroomsjgrooms

    If the only reason you are duplicating inputs is to get a pre-compressor feed to your monitors, you may want to look into the routine features on your aux masters. You can determine where in the signla chain the aux send takes its signal.

    Right click on the aux master and navigate to the routine submenu. then select the point that is most appropriate for you. In your case something pre-compressor.

    Profile photo of jgroomsjgrooms


    Originally posted by jgrooms

    If the only reason you are duplicating inputs is to get a pre-compressor feed to your monitors, you may want to look into the routine features on your aux masters. You can determine where in the signla chain the aux send takes its signal.

    Right click on the aux master and navigate to the routine submenu. then select the point that is most appropriate for you. In your case something pre-compressor.

    routine = routing
    Routine = routing

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