Digital Mic Split with Ether sound

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  • #23059
    Profile photo of yooousukeyooousuke

    We have two iLive systems, iLive 80 with iDR10 and iLive-T80 with iDR-32,
    Can the using a Ether Sound(M-ES-V2-A) on PortB in IDR-32 be connected between FOH and Monitor?
    If yes, how can each port be connected?

    FOH: iLive80 and iDR10 via network port for control and ether sound portA(ESA) for audio clock
    Monitor:iLive-T80 and iDR-32 via ACE
    The linking between each mixracks connects via Ether Sound port B(ESB) OUT on FOH Mixrack to Ether sound card(M-ES-V2-A) IN fitted portB on Monitor Mixrack.

    and does anyone know if there are another way effectively and easily?


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Co Yosuke

    Yes this can be done.

    (Master – Audio clock source set to = Internal) FOH: iLive80 and iDR10 Connect: RAB2 ES PortB = OUT
    (Slave – Audio clock source set to = PortB ES) Monitor:iLive-T80 and iDR-32 connect: PortB ES = IN

    Please see the link attached which shows you an application diagram of how to set this configuration up.

    Hope that helps

    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of yooousukeyooousuke

    Hi Sam,

    Thank you for your advice.

    For control each audio clock source,does the connection need to be linked
    between any Network port at Master and any Network port at Slave?


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Yosuke

    For control it is advised that you connect your computer to the ES Control Port on the Master device only, you will then be able to see the entire ES network just by connecting to the master.

    If you are running a laptop with Editor connected to the mixrack then you can connect a CAT5 cable from the ES Control Port to the switch on the Mixrack so you do not have to connect your computer directly to the ES network.


    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of yooousukeyooousuke

    Please advice about the Surface control on the Slave,

    Can this be right?

    The Surface iLive-T80 connect to the Mixrack iDR-32 via ACE for audio and control.

    For Audio Clock Source, ES = IN fit PortB on iDR32 connect to the RAB2 ES PortB = OUT.
    For Control,ES CONTROL PORT fit Port B on iDR32 connect to
    NETWORK Port open one of three ports on iDR RACK CPU of iDR10.


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Yosuke


    Can this be right?

    The Surface iLive-T80 connect to the Mixrack iDR-32 via ACE for audio and control.

    yes this is correct


    For Audio Clock Source, ES = IN fit PortB on iDR32 connect to the RAB2 ES PortB = OUT.

    yes this is correct


    For Control,ES CONTROL PORT fit Port B on iDR32 connect to
    NETWORK Port open one of three ports on iDR RACK CPU of iDR10.

    You ONLY need to connect the ES Control Port of the ES-V2 module in the RAB2 idr10 to your computer.
    You do not need to connect anything to the ES CONTROL PORT of the module in the iDR32 as any control is done from the Master device.

    You do not need to connect ES monitor at all to set up a simple Digital Mic Split with EtherSound.

    All you should need to do to get this working is connect up the cables as i have said previously.
    Set the audio clock source of the iLive80 and iDR10 to ‘internal’ – to do this go to Mixrack setup on the surface, Mixrack Pref, Audio sync = Internal
    Then press the Port A/B Setup and press the ‘Master’ Button in the portB window and apply changes.
    Now go to the iLive-T80 with iDR-32, set the audio clock source to sync from PortB – to do this go to Mixrack setup on the surface of the T80, Mixrack Pref, Audio sync = PortB
    hen press the Port A/B Setup and press the ‘Master/Slave’ Button in the portB window and apply changes.

    all you should need to do now is set your PortB Outputs of the iLive 80 with iDR10 to mixrack to ‘mixrack inputs’
    and on the iLive-T80 with iDR-32 set all the input channel sources to be from ‘PortB ES’ – this can be done quicker by going to -Mixrack setup on the surface, Mixrack Pref,’Quick input Source Setup’.

    Sam A&H

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