iLive wireless control setup?

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  • #23055
    Profile photo of wavemakersdjwavemakersdj

    We use the iLive t-112 with IDR 32 in the closet, wired connection across a small gym sized room. Wanting to be able to do some of the wireless control via iPad, but I haven’t seen anywhere to show exactly how that would be all plugged in. Where in the chain would the wireless router go? Do you put the wireless router between the ACE ethernet connection, or to one of the network ports on the IDR and leave the ACE wired?

    We want iPad/iphone control, but I’d rather leave the connection to the console wired if at all possible.

    Profile photo of RaySRayS


    Originally posted by wavemakersdj

    We use the iLive t-112 with IDR 32 in the closet, wired connection across a small gym sized room. Wanting to be able to do some of the wireless control via iPad, but I haven’t seen anywhere to show exactly how that would be all plugged in. Where in the chain would the wireless router go? Do you put the wireless router between the ACE ethernet connection, or to one of the network ports on the IDR and leave the ACE wired?

    We want iPad/iphone control, but I’d rather leave the connection to the console wired if at all possible.

    wireless router connects to network port (either on idr or surface) ACE is only to be used between surface and IDR. and it (ACE) should be wired……



    Profile photo of wavemakersdjwavemakersdj

    Awesome, exactly what I needed to know.

    Profile photo of dshriverdshriver

    I’d recommend you connect directly to the iDR not to the surface. I tried a wireless router connected at my T-112 and I had lots of connectivity issues. When I set it up directly to my IDR-32 it was rock solid.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Had the same issue… Connecting to iDR was better

    Gil Parente
    Design & Integration
    Entertainment Arts, Inc.
    iLive 176, T112
    iDR48 , iDR16, iDR10
    Multiple iPads

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