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  • #22957
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Can i connect my t112 or idr 32 / 48 series (Ace) with the GLD 80 or GLD ar 2412? And if I put an Ace adaptor to the GLD what combination with t Series could I have?
    Thanks …

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Hmm, since the GLD is not officially released yet i think you wont receive an reliable answer. So – just wait until the NAMM Show is over and you will find out more…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    [:)] i suppose see it at Frankfurt audio messe…Thanks…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    You will be able to connect the two with equal cards on both systems. Routing between the two consoles will be done through the console patching and protocol controller (Dante Controlller) and etc…
    Dante on PortB of the iDR. and on the GLD slot would give you the most flexibility with the option of multitracking as well.

    Gil Parente
    Design & Integration
    Entertainment Arts, Inc.
    iLive 176, T112
    iDR48 , iDR16, iDR10
    Multiple iPads

    Profile photo of MusikhofMusikhof

    any rumours about the pricing yet? found one saying around 6500 pound for GLD80 console and 2412 rack … sounds like a good deal.

    IDR48 & T112, iPad, Belkin Wireless, Dante, Lenovo i5, Samplitude ProX

    Profile photo of RexeltwRexeltw

    Not much of a rumour, more of a price:-–93281

    I guess the real price in the UK will depend on how much markup Audio-Technica stick on the boxes. Either way it seems to be LS9 money which makes sense I guess

    Just remember kids no matter how good your mixing is you can’t polish a turd…

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator

    US SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES, per Full Compass, 1/19/12

    GLD-80 $9999
    GLD-AR2412 $2299
    GLD-AR84 $1199

    Just reporting what I’ve found…

    Tim Tyler
    Detonator Sound
    Richmond, Va USA
    T112/48 R72/32 laptop iPad Dir-815

    Profile photo of dnxmirrorsoundsdnxmirrorsounds

    Looks good especially for the price point. I like that the Mute button is separated a bit from the other buttons – good operationally for us with fat fingers :)

    I do wonder why is it that both this and the normal iLive still have a “Global Direct out source” – is this really that hard to rewire?

    Duncan Whitcombe
    Mirror Sounds & metrochurch
    Perth, Australia
    T112, iDR48x2, Dante soon

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    RCA inputs on the surface? Why not 1/4″ so one could connected a preamp?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi Airton,
    You can easily connect to either the XLR or the RCA. Not really a problem in my opinion.
    Pretty safe to assume that most of the end-users that purchase this system a not going to be using external pre-amps.
    Keep in perspective that this is a budget friendly system, not the solution for everyone.

    Gil Parente
    Design & Integration
    Entertainment Arts, Inc.
    iLive 176, T112
    iDR48 , iDR16, iDR10
    Multiple iPads

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