Hi dburris,
Yes, you will need to re-save individual scenes and the show.
To get better recall times on old scenes you will need to;
1. Recall the scene, to load the settings.
2. Then re-save the scene. And do this for every old scene you wish to update.
Then re-save your show.
For more information, I’ve copied and pasted the 1.8 Release Notes:
‘Note 3: V1.7 onwards fixed an error with the Gate and Comp Sidechain settings. It auto updates
the settings in old Scenes when they are recalled which can increase recall time. To restore normal
recall time please use V1.8 to recall then resave the Scenes in the old Shows (V1.6 and earlier) you
wish to use. Re-archive the Shows when this is done.’
Hope that helps,