loud noise between scene change help

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    Profile photo of johannorvaljohannorval

    not every time but with any different scene change suddenley the whole p.a would go in overdrive like all the mics as well as all outputs are unmuted and cranced all the way up…………….allmost **** my pants someone please help
    we got a big show on friday

    Profile photo of RaySRayS


    Originally posted by johannorval

    not every time but with any different scene change suddenley the whole p.a would go in overdrive like all the mics as well as all outputs are unmuted and cranced all the way up…………….allmost **** my pants someone please help
    we got a big show on friday

    To rule out other faults, In the problem scenes, (editor/scenes/select the scene/edit) can you check that indeed the gains/mutes assignment etc…. of the different channels have not been changed inadvertently………..



    Profile photo of johannorvaljohannorval

    checked and no everything works fine and then just without changing anything but the scenes it self , every thing goes in overdrive as if everything opens at once and you get a vey loud feedback noise from all channels on main it also does this in no random order

    Profile photo of RaySRayS


    Originally posted by johannorval

    checked and no everything works fine and then just without changing anything but the scenes it self , every thing goes in overdrive as if everything opens at once and you get a vey loud feedback noise from all channels on main it also does this in no random order

    so any scene, not necessarily the same ones..like totally random…..?? when recalling scenes you know that changes everything. all the parameters……can you send me the show file with the scenes….what system are you using i.e. surface/mixrack etc…..?



    Profile photo of StixStix

    “no random order”. That’s a double negative – I assume you mean that it is random? Anyway just a suggestion but check your phantom power settings between scenes are not changing. Condenser mic channels with phantom turning on in a scene will create a loud thumb and also start working – and if high gain settings are also recalled you will get instant feedback. Could be what is happening?
    Of course this won’t be random as it will happen every time certain scenes are recalled.


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Profile photo of johannorvaljohannorval

    thanks richard i am still busy with my language degree , but you get the point.
    thanks ,for ideas but whe did check everything it seems it must be a network delay or buffer problem. what do you think

    Profile photo of johannorvaljohannorval

    Thanks Ray will do

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    My first thought was the same as Richard – phantom power being suddenly engaged would cause all manor of nasty noise & feedback – go through your scenes and make sure you don’t have phantom engaged or disengaged somewhere without muting (check every channel! I had a noise issue with my system which ended up being an open channel with no signal but lots of gain running to my auxillaries), it seems a more likely cause to your problem than a network error.

    iDR32 mixrack
    MixRack for iPad & Tweak for iPhone apps
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit
    with Belkin PlayMax N600 HD router
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card

    Profile photo of Lou-HemmingLou-Hemming

    I’ve had this a few times and have advised A&H that when using scene change the inputs are all briefly opened as if they were ‘fresh’ channels! This means that before the mute status of the subsequent scene is recognised bybthevilive those condensers that you have diligently padded & eq’d are opened in an unattenuated state! this results in open mics for a couple of seconds whilst the ilive recognises the mutes an a brief screaming nightmare ! It still does it on 1.83 :-(((

    Profile photo of dymondaudiodymondaudio

    Should’nt iLive be looking forward to the next scene and loading it in a ‘virtual’ memory ready for when you hit go/next scene?

    i.e. your in scence ‘A’ and iLive is looking at scene ‘B’ and loading all the settings ‘virtually’ ready.

    A bit like a DJ cueing up his next track in the cans checking the levels beat matching etc. before hitting play and moving the x-fader?

    Allthough I guess this may be an issue if you suddenly needed to jump from scene ‘A’ to scene ‘D’ and iLive had ‘pre-loaded’ scene ‘B’ into its memory?

    Profile photo of Lou-HemmingLou-Hemming

    Yep Dymond, that’s the expectation we have particularly when you are using advance scene on go facility. Never a problem on the ls9 or m7 ;-))

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