Firmware 1.82 update – fader LCDs missing pixels

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    Profile photo of someguysomeguy

    I recently update a T112 iLive from 1.80 to 1.82. The update went smoothly like others I’ve done. After the update, several of the fader LCDs have missing pixels; it looks as if entire vertical lines are missing. For example, the M on one of the Mtx faders is missing one of its legs.

    This seems like more of a hardware issue to me but it was fine before the firmware update and not-so-fine after. I’ve tried renaming faders, the surface has been rebooted but the pixels are still missing.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Profile photo of SlamminSlammin

    had it on one of our surfaces – the LCD’s needed to be replaced

    Profile photo of unonuncasabeunonuncasabe

    Same issue here, after an hour or so, the dead pixels come back.
    They were working ok on 1.80
    Surface T-112

    Profile photo of someguysomeguy

    In my case, the pixels have been missing for several days and the pixels that are missing remain consistent.

    At this point I’ve contacted the company that supplied our gear and they are going to send the surface off for servicing. In the meantime, I’ll have the use of a replacement surface. It seems unlikely that this is a software problem but the coincidence is a little strange.

    Truthfully I’d prefer it to be a software problem. The system is just over a year old and the thought of ongoing LCD issues doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    Profile photo of unonuncasabeunonuncasabe

    Yes, what a coincidence. I went back to 1.80 with no change, so I think I have to live with it until it gets permanent.

    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981

    We had the same thing, only we are on v1.71 (I know I need to update, just havn’t gotten to it). Ours had 2 strips side by side on one bank and 2 strips side by side in another bank. They both had some missing pixels and occurred about thhe same time, however both were back on last week. One set was out for about a week and the other about 3 weeks.

    Indiana, USA

    Profile photo of techdaddytechdaddy

    I have the same issue with a 80 with Firmware V1.82, 3 of the 5 banks are unreadable do to dead pixels. However on start up all of them will flash on.

    Profile photo of volunteervolunteer

    Just had same issue happen on 2 channels (Horizital line out). T112 on v1.80 for quite some time. Am told it is an issue on certain displays produced….

    iLive T112 – iDR 32
    Renkus-Heinz Iconyx Live
    Gl2400 – iTech – SRX
    SAC for All !

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