Mix-App for Windows Laptops

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  • #22779
    Profile photo of TonmikeTonmike

    Why not a “mix-app” for laptops?

    Most of us already own a laptop and have it anyway there for a job.

    I myself have a touch-tablet which could operate the “mix-app” perfectly.
    I don’t want to buy an ipad only for using the “mix-app” and i believe many other laptop users would buy the app if it would be available for windows based laptop.

    So please, A&H, give us the app also for laptops an go on with your good work.

    Thanks Mike

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Maybe because for a laptop you can use the editor?!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The problem from my view is, that the faders in editor have no adequate size to grab them with your fingers most of the time.
    One of the really good features in the mixPad app is that the resolution increases when you move away from the fader.
    Just one feature editor has not.

    And I think mike is right when he already has a windows based tablet, costs are reduced when there is a similar app.

    I am using the editor but sometimes I cannot grap the faders via the trackpad fast enough.
    This is one of the reasons I will purchase an iPad soon.

    Editor only (3 times)
    Korg nano
    Dante soon

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    I use an Tablet PC for this – with the digital pen this functions really well.
    Maybe invest in an tablet PC like an lenovo X300T or similar would be a better choice.

    Profile photo of ThomasBThomasB

    I use a Lenovo X60 Tablet and the pen for the adjustments. for me, it works perfect. But – it is not an multi touch of course……


    IDR 48 T80

    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    The editor is not nearly as easy to use as the MixPad app. I think it would be a good thing to port it to a tablet.


    Profile photo of johnsejohnse

    I purchased a Windows tablet (ASUS ep121…nice system) specifically so that I can use the Editor with touch input. This tablet has both pen and capacitive touch available.

    People are correct that in the normal presentation, the faders are too small to use with fingers. The pen is OK, but I did have some awkwardness with this. This was during a run of 11 bands in 3 evenings at a Sci Fi convention and was only the 2nd event I’ve used the iLive for.

    Working with the editor more after this, I found that there is a workaround. Use the Magnifying tool to zoom in to 200% to 250%. If you resize the Editor main window so that it just fills this area of the screen, you now have faders that are appropriately-sized for finger use.
    (ETA: This tablet runs Windows 7, which I would recommend for any Windows tablet.)
    Be sure to practice with this setup. It is easy to wind up scrolling the screen to another area of the Windows desktop. Scroll overlays will appear in the middle of each screen side. If you need to use the Editor’s scroll bars, just be sure to touch the scroll bar to one side of the magnifier’s arrows.

    I very much echo the sentiment of having a multi-touch finger-friendly version of Editor for Windows Tablets.

    I also very much want to see an Android Tablet version of MixPad (I’ve got a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tablet–yeah, I’m one of those that got one at Google IO :)

    For many reasons I will never own an iOS device, so MixPad on the iPad is useless to me.

    iLive T80/32 w/ Dante on order

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    [For many reasons I will never own an iOS device, so MixPad on the iPad is useless to me.]

    To reiterate what was stated in an earlier thread – even if you use the iPad for nothing but this app, at $500 for the hardware & $100 for the app, it’s a cheap and very effective solution… One big plus of the app over editor to me is the speed at which you can access channel parameters: FAR faster than you can open a channel strip in editor, so on that side it’s a big plus, and I don’t think I’ll weigh into the Android debate except to say one issue that seems to come up alot for developers is that the many versions of Android that run on various hardware (of varying quality, size and capability) make it hard to provide a consistent interface and performance standard… OK, you might not be an Apple fan (god knows I’m not), but at least developers know what they’re producing is going to work consistently on every device (imagine the minor issues we have with MixPad – multiplied by the amount of hardware and processor variations available on Android? Yikes, service nightmare)!

    iDR32 mixrack
    MixRack for iPad & Tweak for iPhone apps
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)

    Profile photo of mumumumu


    Originally posted by Biggsounds

    [For many reasons I will never own an iOS device, so MixPad on the iPad is useless to me.]

    To reiterate what was stated in an earlier thread – even if you use the iPad for nothing but this app, at $500 for the hardware & $100 for the app, it’s a cheap and very effective solution… One big plus of the app over editor to me is the speed at which you can access channel parameters: FAR faster than you can open a channel strip in editor, so on that side it’s a big plus, and I don’t think I’ll weigh into the Android debate except to say one issue that seems to come up alot for developers is that the many versions of Android that run on various hardware (of varying quality, size and capability) make it hard to provide a consistent interface and performance standard… OK, you might not be an Apple fan (god knows I’m not), but at least developers know what they’re producing is going to work consistently on every device (imagine the minor issues we have with MixPad – multiplied by the amount of hardware and processor variations available on Android? Yikes, service nightmare)!

    iDR32 mixrack
    MixRack for iPad & Tweak for iPhone apps
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)



    allen&heath iLive-144 /idr 64 / idr 48 (i am convinced audionate is not delivering coz i am a frank zappa fan)

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