Trim affecting Gain

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  • #22776
    Profile photo of kisskillmekisskillme

    When I am logged on to the MON console thru editor on my MAC mini at FOH when I change the trim on an input (in editor) it is affecting my overall level at FOH and it also obviously does the same thing when changing the gain level. Any ideas?


    T-112 (FOH & MON) / iDR48 & iDR 16

    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    You are probably taking the split after the trims
    from the “gain sharing” section of the help file.
    If you are sharing the mic preamps between systems such as FOH, monitor and recording, assign the master MixRack Inputs to the Port B digital mic split using the Surface OUTPUTS screen. Do not use the channel Direct Outputs as these follow the digital trim on the master system


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