iPad 2 available March 11

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions iPad 2 available March 11

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  • #28103
    Profile photo of john@eartsincjohn@eartsinc

    Try turning off the “multi-cast” setting on your iPad settings app. If you do not have a router that supports multi-cast, or a router that has no more than a few DHCP licenses on it, you dont need the multi-cast. This may solve your crashing issue.

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    I did not have any issues with memory on my new iPad2 but it was a little slow in responsiveness for my tastes. It was usable but, slow. Selecting a mix channel to adjust sends took me a while I had to tap it several times before I got access to the sends. It was nice being able to adjust all this under the stage while I was rewiring to confirm my wiring changes. My observations were its pretty usable for monitors once you get the mix selected. It was very useable for roving around FOH. The tap tempo might not be usable or even possible with the slow response. I would just set the tap in the scene if your just using the ipad and hope they play at the same tempo. I think I am gonna turn off metering to see if I can speed the app up some since the meters are not all that important to me(after the initial sound checks) in my use of it.


    Profile photo of WalthourWalthour


    Originally posted by Joe90


    As A&H have realeased an ipad 2 caseiPad app then in my mind the iPad becomesApple Accessories part of the iLive family just like a surface or a laptop running editor. This forum seems iPad2 casesthe ideal place to discuss the pro’s & con’s of the iPad2 and its original for running the MixPad application.

    Personally I haven’t made a decision yet on which one to purchase and hoping that as the iPad2 is realeased in the US earlier than in the UK some US users might be able to share their experiences…

    If you don’t want to read about Apple gadgets then I suggest you steer clear of this thread.


    Motion Computing LE1700
    iPad – sometime soon

    if it’s got the ram to run MixPad and something like audiotools concurrently (and not drop wi-fi connectivity when you switch!) it’s going to be killer…

    i like it

    Profile photo of sraymondsraymond

    So what do you iPad2 owners think of using them outdoors? Any difference from the original? Usable in direct sunlight or do you need to be under a FOH tent or under a roof? I’m familiar with Tablets outside but never used an iPad. Thanks for any thoughts!


    iDR 32
    iDR D-Out
    Lenova T61, M90, iPad soon I hope.

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert

    You can change the background colour of the app.
    I put in on black to have more contrast. For me it’s usable outdoors, not in direct sunlight however.

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    +1 for changing the app colour – I’ve used it outdoors on very sunny days, so long as you don’t stand in direct sunlight it’s usable

    iDR32 mixrack
    MixRack for iPad & Tweak for iPhone apps
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)

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