Multicast, MixPad and Wireless.

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    Profile photo of ceejayceejay

    I have had 3 laptops connected with the TP-Link router via Ethernet, while using the switch ports on the iDR as well. The one change I did recently make with this router, is I only made static ip addresses to the iDR, Console, and Touch Screen. All other connections are DHCP reservations starting at 100 and ending at 115 including iPhones, Mixpad, and the wireless and lan NICS from the laptops. I was also having other windows startup issues with the hard coded ip addresses, and event log messages in windows 7 looking for a dhcp server. Also, I did make the default IP address .254 for the router, and do not allow any other connections that do not have a MAC addresses recorded. I also made the dhcp leases 365 days. So far, so good. My wireless issues are mainly in areas or venues with too much other traffic and interference.

    Oswego, IL

    T112 & iDR48
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    Profile photo of djspldjspl


    Originally posted by woutert


    Originally posted by soundman47

    …Ok. I’ve tested the hell out of this. A few hours now, turning wi-fi on and off, changing from channel mode to mix mode on the app, launching Editor, you name it. …

    I’d call it rock solid if you have those same results over and over, at different venues. I have had rock solid performance with all routers that I tested… at home.


    re: Cisco E3000
    This router has known cooling issues. Check the 1 star reviews on Amazon. Mine was working fine in my IDR16 rack for 4 weeks, then one night… no connection. No Wireless, No wired. It hasn’t worked since. Once I replaced the router, everything works great.

    I had first purchased one of these for my home, that router will only run reliably in open air (not enclosed in anything).

    I own 3 E3000s, the 3rd unit was in another IDR16 rack. It never had problems after 4 weeks, but I replaced it out of caution.

    After reading reviews of thermal problems being fixed in the latest generation, I replaced my E3000s with E2500s which have been great for indoor shows, but range is poor outdoors (~50 unobstructed feet before signal strength disappears, the network stops responding and connection is lost).

    I’m using new Lenovo X61 tablet PCs and 5Ghz N band.

    I would pay a lot more money if I could find the perfect rack mount solution. Until then, I have heard good reviews (non related to Ilive) on the range of the Ubiquiti Power AP N , I may try one out.

    As others have said, great performance at home does not equal great performance in a venue.

    Until I find a 100% reliable solution (like my LS9 w/Linksys WRT54G setup), I always have a surface and a spare router in the truck.

    I am loving these Ilive systems.

    Profile photo of sraymondsraymond


    Originally posted by djspl

    “I would pay a lot more money if I could find the perfect rack mount solution. Until then, I have heard good reviews (non related to Ilive) on the range of the Ubiquiti Power AP N , I may try one out.

    I am loving these Ilive systems.”

    Thanks for that link! I like the looks of the PicoStation M AP they make. That’s supposed to have good range and is under 100$. From looking at some of the software info their gear appears to support multicast as well.


    iDR 32
    iDR D-Out
    Lenova T61, M90, iPad soon I hope.

    Profile photo of john@eartsincjohn@eartsinc

    Check out this article. Feel free to email with questions.

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert


    Originally posted by john@eartsinc

    Check out this article. Feel free to email with questions.

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    How do you prevent the musicians from double tapping a channel and start messing with the FOH mix?


    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds


    Originally posted by woutert


    Originally posted by john@eartsinc

    Check out this article. Feel free to email with questions.

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    How do you prevent the musicians from double tapping a channel and start messing with the FOH mix?


    That’s my biggest concern too – I’d be worried about them accidentally tapping out of their assigned mix (in the heat of playing and not concentrating on their control surface) and suddenly making exaggerated moves – not to mention that without having some way to kick them off the network you basically couldn’t do anything about it except yell at them over the talkback ;)

    iDR32 mixrack
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    Profile photo of john@eartsincjohn@eartsinc

    Just keep a tight reign on your guys. If the problem persists with one particular musician, threaten “NO MORE iPAD” ;). This is working for me on a weekly basis. I’ve got 7 people on the MixPad app at one time. We have had our “OPPS” but not during a show, only at rehearsal. Just make sure that there custom layer is setup, and that they double tap their mix. If the channels aren’t highlighted blue, dont touch! I would agree that an app that’s focused on AUX mixing would be nice, but lets be real. All the R&D time on this app, plus the overhead, plus the still limited number of iLive users on the planet, it’s not worth AH time or money to create such an app. I think if they try to corner the Personal Mix Market, maybe. But that would probably associated with the iPad allowing not only for control, but for audio to pass through the headphone jack on the ipad. Thus allowing the ipad to be the “self-contained” personal mixer. [:)]

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert

    The article states: With the “Custom Layer” feature that the app offers, you don’t have to worry about your band messing with the main mix, or anyone else’s mix for that matter”, relates Williams.

    This is just not true.

    Profile photo of woutertwoutert

    In the other thread they asked for an API made public. That’s almost zero R&D for A&H.

    The only thing people actually ask is for a security setting that would allow a login account only to access a particular mix. No major overhaul of the MixPad app, just have the system work with a particular mix button locked for that user account, and show the account used somewhere on the MixPad screen for troubleshooting.

    Then create an account for each of your auxes, and the only moment when you have to “reign” you musicians is when they log-in (they have to choose the right account, that is if you don’t login for them), if they don’t, then threaten with installing passwords :-)

    Not all musicians like to be “reigned” by the PA guy, by the way… :-)


    Profile photo of john@eartsincjohn@eartsinc

    @woutert- True, it wouldn’t require much R&D to amend the firmware. I’ve already have spoken with AH about this issue. What my article states is that this IS A USABLE solution in the meantime. If your musicians cant figure out how not to make this mistake, they shouldn’t have an iPad at all. I have been comfortably using this solution since day 1 of the app’s release. We have had our “oops” moments, but that was in the learning curve process. I would love to see more parameter features added to the user profiles on the ilive firmware. I think this is one downfall of the system. Obviously with the app being so new, I’m sure there are updates to come. Keep posting, you’ve got some great ideas. If AH hasn’t thought of them yet, (which I’m sure that have, or at least have heard from their rep’s) they can read these posts. Thanks.

    System Integrator
    Entertainment Arts Inc.

    Profile photo of ceejayceejay

    I have mentioned this in the past, but it should not be too difficult to create allow certain mixes to a user.
    The base administrator / user settings need to be upgraded.
    Regardless of the connection, person logs in under the given passcode, and gets the desired settings.

    Oswego, IL

    T112 & iDR48
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    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    Well you can already have a user login recall a scene so it should be possible to use this feature to make this work but, there has to be some kind of “lock” on the aux channel or they will be able to click on another aux possibly.


    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    Coming back to a point raised earlier: what should the Multicast address be in Editor?
    I ran a show on the weekend with a touring engineer – both of us using iPads (me with MixPad & him with Tweak), and Editor running at FOH – and after 5 hours of no issues through soundcheck and pre-show I lost metering in Editor (although not in MixPad). It wasn’t a big problem for the engineer in question, but it was a high profile client and I don’t like that it happened at all :(
    This was the first gig for the new Belkin router, I thought I had it all sorted and certainly didn’t have any other problems, but maybe I’ve got something set wrong with Multicast (as asked earlier: should the multicast address be within my DHCP address range?).

    iDR32 mixrack
    MixRack for iPad & Tweak for iPhone apps
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)

    Profile photo of ceejayceejay


    Originally posted by Biggsounds

    This was the first gig for the new Belkin router, I thought I had it all sorted and certainly didn’t have any other problems, but maybe I’ve got something set wrong with Multicast (as asked earlier: should the multicast address be within my DHCP address range?)

    Check this out, see if it helps. The Multicast address from the getting started software user guide is compatible.

    IP addressing scheme sets aside a full one-sixteenth of the address space for multicast addresses: Class D. Multicast addresses are identified by the pattern “1110” in the first four bits, which corresponds to a first octet of 224 to 239. So, the full range of multicast addresses is from to Since multicast addresses represent a group of IP devices (sometimes called a host group) they can only be used as the destination of a datagram; never the source.

    Oswego, IL

    T112 & iDR48
    Sony F 1.73GHZ I7 8 Core
    Win 7 Pro 500GB HD 8G RAM
    TP-Link WR1043ND
    Airport Extreme & Express
    Dante May?

    Profile photo of bucksbucks

    Hi Guys

    Our test department have put together a document detailing the testing of access points, and their various pros and cons.

    Its available here:

    Its worth noting were also talking to Cisco about a rack mount access point, which will be a high price point, but should be a good solution.

    We’ll keep you posted.


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