Dead end with iPhone app

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  • #22605
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Today i have updated all my iPhone AppStore, also iLive Tweak was on the list. So my Hope was: Yessssss, finally new features… But now i cannot connect to my IDR anymore. IPhone App. Is requesting Firmware 1.8, but this Firmware is Not downloadable on the website.

    So today evening im not able to use my iPhone anymore :c(
    And there are also nö new features on this App.

    Guys, don’t update until Allen & Heath will release new firmware!!!!!

    Profile photo of ElphieElphie

    It does say in the update notes in the App Store that the update requires firmware v1.8. If you don’t have that firmware version, why update? Also, the update may just be a compatibility fix, like the current version was when the v1.71 firmware came out. Not every update brings new features in software land ;) But it does mean that v1.8 is on its way…

    (sorry, I spent too many years in IT telling people to RTFM)


    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    I noted this release on the iPad app thread – I just figure it means a release in the next couple of days… happy people!

    iDR32 mixrack
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    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)

    Profile photo of ElphieElphie

    very happy!

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi All

    v1.80 is now available here.



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