I loaded a new firmware version (1.71) on a T112 system that was running 1.61 this evening, after supposedly saving the current show file and scenes to a flash drive.
When the desk came back up, there was a user show file named as I had seen it before the update, however, it defaulted back to a much earlier time for some reason. Fine, thought I, and plugged in the flash drive. It had the same show file and the same problem. It became obvious that the show file with the correct scenes was not to be found either on the surface or flash drive. Much gnashing of teeth.
The sound guy at the church where this board is located, mentioned that they had seen something like this in the past and that someone had come in and done some sort of a retrieval that brought it back.
Is the information stored somewhere in the Linux file system, and is there a way to get to it? A user prompt allowing a login without a password or a simple password would work if the data is stored somewhere. Is it possible to plug in a USB keyboard and invoke a command line session?