Scenes won’t load

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  • #22588
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hello guys.
    I keep having this problem, it’s been already 1 month and i can’t figure ou what’s wrong. I updated to 1.71 also and the problem is still there:

    The scenes won’t recall. Some of the load completely, some of them not.
    I tried recalling them with the laptop also. Same problem. The ones that recall have a 10 seconds latency, it gets busy, then it fully loads. The other ones only SHOW they are loaded, but nothing changes.

    What can i do?

    Thanks a lot !!!

    Profile photo of matsraknerudmatsraknerud

    Are the show file made in the mac editor? I had a couple of problems with my show files when they where made in the mac editor, but when I loaded them in the windows editor and stored them aigain everything worked fine..

    Mats Raknerud

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    No. The show is made on the ilive surface. Only worked with Windows.

    Information: I recalled a DEFAULT ilive SHOW and all the scenes work flawless…
    Is there any possibility that our Show and Scenes are corrupt?

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