Dumb question re. mains/earth isolation

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  • #22570
    Profile photo of abstractnoiseabstractnoise

    Hi there

    Thinking about an install where the iLive IDR is powered from a mains circuit at one end of a building, and the iLive T-series surface is powered from a separate mains circuit on a different phase of the same mains supply, at the other end of the building.

    Now: Are there any risks I should watch out for in this situation? I’ve always tried to keep my sound power for analogue kit coming from the same single source, and cable in “star” fashion to FOH and others from there – but I’d love to not have to worry about this for future installs.

    I would expect the CAT-5 interfacing to be opto-isolated – is this indeed the case, and if so, to what voltage?

    Thoughts, anyone?

    Work web: https://www.allsouls.org
    Home web: https://abstractnoise.co.uk

    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade

    so far, i haven´t any problems with that behaviour…

    greetings from hamburg

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    just remember, that both iDR rack and Surface have power supplies that are converting AC to DC anyways. no phase in DC.
    The only potential for problems would come from grounding. Which isn’t really a problem, since there is not analog audio transfer between the two.
    I’ve used my systems in crazy power scenarios and never had any issues.

    Gil Parente
    Design & Integration
    Entertainment Arts, Inc.

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Never had an issue with this, in fact one of the bonuses is you don’t need to run out long AC lead to FOH with the Multi, Used 2 CAT 5 cables for about a year before going optical, obviously it is pretty hard to get earth hum loop down a bit of Fibre[:D]
    The other thing is if you keep to balanced I/O you limit your problems in this area also, I know some laptops used for playback tend to hum as other threads have suggested but generally the use of a Good Quality DI box (some specialist ones for laptops and iPods exist) one with decent transformers in helps loads.
    Hope this helps.

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