control of touchscreen from laptop

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  • #22504
    Profile photo of vernon-mccallumvernon-mccallum

    Can anyone tell me what i need to do to connect my laptop and use it to run the screen. All firmware is 1.7 and i’m OK using the editor to run shows.
    Recently i had a screen malfunction and someone sugested i could use the laptop. I believe i need to download something.
    Any help would be welcome.

    cheers. Vernon

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    Hi Vernon, I’m unclear on what you’re asking here – are you wanting to connect a laptop to your control surface & use the laptop screen instead, or use the mouse/touchpad on the laptop to contol the control surface screen?
    As I understand it you can connect an external monitor (even a touchscreen if you get the model A&H recommends) to the surface without any issues, but either of the other options seems like a stretch.

    iDR32 mixrack
    Asus N61 Laptop (x2 wireless)
    Sennheiser IEM (for PFL)
    Dante card (soon!)

    Profile photo of morgensternmorgenstern

    Vernon, i had a demo of this one weeks ago;
    Just download the 1.70 Firmware and extract the Zip.
    In the Firmware folder you will find a “DL5000SystemManager.exe”
    Excecute the file and you have the “T-Screen” on your Laptop….


    T112 / iDr-32

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    does it work also with a Mac platform?

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