Editor for iPad

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  • #22362
    Profile photo of PaulBag101PaulBag101

    Hey Guys I know someone probably already asked this But i haven’t had the time to read through every thread yet so thought I’d Ask again.

    Is there any plans to get an iPad App version of the iLive Editor Software?

    If someone has already ask could someone please Link to the Thread So I can Read it

    Thanks Guys

    Void if Removed

    Profile photo of Anonymous
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    use a VNC client over WiFi until one comes out… I use a free one on my ipod touch when i get bored and its fine.


    Profile photo of bucksbucks

    Hi Paul

    We’re intending to release a iPhone application for use with V1.7 firmware, more details to come, but what kind of features would you want from an iPad application ?

    As the thread above discusses, Editor is Java based and therefore will not run on an iPad at present, so it would need to be a new application, similar to the forthcoming iPhone app.

    Let us know what kind of things you would want from an iPad app, and we’ll add them to the request list.



    Profile photo of JustinSumrallJustinSumrall

    For me, I know that I would like a condensed version of editor. Pretty much the same layout that appears on the standard editor but in a form where pages could be accessed quickly on the fly. Maybe an external interface that could attach to the iPad with a single moto-fader, rotary knob and a few soft keys? :-)

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Strikes me that what is needed is an R72 App for an iPad? or am just being silly now. That could possibly convince me to buy an iPad though.[:D]

    Profile photo of DougDoug

    I would be a lot happier to buy a simple wifi controller for the mix rack with, as justin says, a single moto fader on and a few soft keys for eq’ing monitors and foh and simple mix adjustments than going down the ipad route, carrying round a laptop on stage to do this is cumbersome and awkward


    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    I’d appreciate some dca control from iPhone and maybe bus EQ (geq and peq). All in several screens and large controls. Maybe next/prev scene buttons as well.


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